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Current research projects:

High Amount Research Project Internal Funding 2022, Universidad EAFIT (responsible): "Desarrollo de un enfoque de Meta-Aprendizaje para la gestión dinámica inteligente de Metaheurísticas para la resolución de problemas de optimización dinámicos en el contexto de la Industria 4.0", January 2023-In execution

International scientific-technological cooperation project financed by the regional program STIC-AmSud (http://sticmathamsud.org/), EAFIT, LAAS, EPN and PUCP (responsible): "Hybrid Algorithms based on Models And Data in Industry 4.0- HAMADI 4.0 (22-STIC-06)", 2022-In progress

Research Project of the PLASTIC AND RUBBER TRAINING AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE, Medellin, Colombia (co-investigator): "Development of an autonomous SASVAR system", December 2021-In progress.

Research Project: "Precision farming for the management of grazing and animal health based on meta-intelligent systems", High Quantity Research Project internal financing 2020, EAFIT University, 2020-In progress